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Cheese Spaghetti Measurer

$6.01 Buy It, Yo

Product Information

Mama mia!!

This cheese spaghetti measurer is one of those items you can’t believe you ever lived without. Spaghetti Cheese so brilliant you’ll squeak with joy! It looks like a big hunk of cartoon cheese - which is already cool but this is cheese with a difference! This cheese helps you measure up your spaghetti so you cook the right amount of the stringy stuff for all your friends and family. There are very few kitchen niggles like that of cooking too much or too little so Spaghetti Cheese is here to help. Simply get your bundle of dried spaghetti and insert it through the holes provided. These are your portion measurers, and then you just have to sling it in the pan. No more ‘um-ing’ and ‘ah-ring’ about about portions! Spaghetti Cheese does that for you.

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